The Divyavadana (Tibetan version) reports: “The Buddha is in Rajagriha At that time there were two major cities Jambudvipa (North India) and Pataliputra Roruka When Roruka Pataliputra increases decreases increases Pataliputra Roruka fall …” There there was Roruka Sindh rival the capital of Magadha Empire. Since Bimbisara was king of Magadha, he sent Rudrayana king of Sindhu-Save, an unusual portrait of Buddha. The two powerful ministers of Sindh at the time, and Hiroo Bheru their names are still common among the Sindhis. Chandra Gupta Maurya won the first of Sindh and Punjab. It is from this basis that displaced Nanda, Pataliputra occupied and established the Mauryan empire great.

Kashmir Rajatarangini former royal history has many references to Sindh and Sindhis. Kuya Sun Sindhu rose to lead the brigade of elephants and Kashmir was a Queen’s Counsel Didda. High distinction in Kashmir was “Sindhu Gaja” Elephant in Sindh [1].

Sindh was ruled by the dynasty c.489-for Rai Rai 632nd Diwaji (Devaditya) was the greatest ruler of this dynasty, which stands as a great patron of Buddhism, which corresponds to Ashoka in this regard. The capital of his vast empire was Al-MMR. The empire was usurped by later dynasties including the Brahmins unpopularitiy was a contributing factor to the recent Arab conquest.